2023 NYSPELRA 48th Annual Conference
Holiday Inn 232 Broadway
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 United States
Holiday Inn Saratoga Springs NY
Monday, July 10, 2023 8:00 AM - Wednesday, July 12, 2023 11:30 AM
Event Details
On behalf of the New York State Public Employer Relations Association (NYSPELRA), I am delighted to invite you to attend the 48th NYSPELRA Annual Training Conference in historic Saratoga Springs, New York! The conference will be held Monday, July 10th through Wednesday, July 12th. It will feature a wide range of relevant and topical training sessions, addressing many of the pressing issues our members, public officials and employees encounter on a daily basis.
I would like to thank the NYSPELRA Board of Directors for their hard work and dedication in organizing a great agenda for this year's conference. I am confident you will feel the same and encourage you to join us and your colleagues from across the state.
Linked you will find the conference agenda, hotel registration information and a registration link. The enclosed information is also available on NYSPELRA's website. Please keep in mind that we offer a discounted conference rate for retired NYSPELRA members as well as an "early bird" registration rate. As we have in the past, we intend to apply for continuing legal education credits for attorneys who attend eligible sessions.
Any questions about the conference should be directed to Jack Kalinkewicz at jjkpersassoc@yahoo.com or 518-366-2952. I look forward to seeing you in Saratoga Springs!
Carin C. Perkins
NYSPELRA President
Need financial support to attend? Click for the NYSPELRA Financial Hardship Application
Additional Information
Event Contact:
Jack Kalinkewicz
Contact Organization:
Powered By GrowthZone

On behalf of the New York State Public Employer Relations Association (NYSPELRA), I am delighted to invite you to attend the 48th NYSPELRA Annual Training Conference in historic Saratoga Springs, New York! The conference will be held Monday, July 10th through Wednesday, July 12th. It will feature a wide range of relevant and topical training sessions, addressing many of the pressing issues our members, public officials and employees encounter on a daily basis.
I would like to thank the NYSPELRA Board of Directors for their hard work and dedication in organizing a great agenda for this year's conference. I am confident you will feel the same and encourage you to join us and your colleagues from across the state.
Linked you will find the conference agenda, hotel registration information and a registration link. The enclosed information is also available on NYSPELRA's website. Please keep in mind that we offer a discounted conference rate for retired NYSPELRA members as well as an "early bird" registration rate. As we have in the past, we intend to apply for continuing legal education credits for attorneys who attend eligible sessions.
Any questions about the conference should be directed to Jack Kalinkewicz at jjkpersassoc@yahoo.com or 518-366-2952. I look forward to seeing you in Saratoga Springs!
Carin C. Perkins
NYSPELRA President
Need financial support to attend? Click for the NYSPELRA Financial Hardship Application